
DAT 00001 (revised 02/19/2021)
Published On: 09/18/2013

Question: What was the expected size (MW), tenor, and what % was SSO of total load for the October 2013 CBP Auction?

Answer: Based on a Peak Load Contribution for Standard Offer load of 1,044 MW, one tranche would be 10.44 MW. Detailed information on AES Ohio load will be made available via the Information Website to prospective bidders who have submitted an Account Request Form and have been approved through the Part 1 Qualification process.

DATA 00002 (revised 02/22/2021)
Published On: 09/26/2013

Question: How often will AES Ohio be providing updates to actual (realized) load data?

Answer: AES Ohio will update load data on a quarterly basis.  Specifically, updates will occur in September, December, March, and June of every year.

DATA 00003 (revised 02/22/2021)
Published On: 10/10/2013

Question: Can AES Ohio provide load data at the customer class level for communities that have switched to a supplier through government aggregation and load data for communities that have received approval for aggregation but have not yet started?

Answer: Municipal aggregation data will not be provided.

DATA 00004 (revised 02/22/2021)
Published On: 10/11/2013

Question: Can you please confirm that the product of the following three items equals the PJM settlement data called load without losses? 1) hourly load 2) the AES Ohio UFE Factor, and 3) [1-Deration Factor]

Answer: The product of ‘Hourly Load’ & ‘AES Ohio UFE Factor’ is Load With Losses.  Multiplying that by ‘Deration Factor’ results in Marginal (Transmission) Losses.  To obtain Load Without Losses, subtract Marginal Losses from the product of ‘Hourly Load’ and ‘AES Ohio UFE Factor’.

DATA 00006 (revised 02/22/2021)
Published On: 10/25/2013

Question: Are the Unique Arrangement Customers load included in the historic Non-shopped load data that was provided to the auction participants?

Answer: As explained in Section 2.1 of the Bidding Rules, SSO Load will include the requirements of any Unique Arrangement Customers of AES Ohio who are served under special contracts. Unique Arrangement customer load is included in the historic NonShop load data that is provided on AES Ohio’s Information Website.

DATA 00007
Published On: 08/18/2014

Question: Please confirm whether the Peak Load Contribution (PLC) data provided in the load data are scaled or unscaled values? Specially, is the peak at the PLU or PLO level?

Answer: The PLC data is unscaled, but the Daily Zonal Scaling Factor is also provided.

DATA 00008
Published On: 09/16/2014

Question: Can you confirm whether the NSPL is scaled or unscaled? The total NSPL between January and May appears to be at different level from NSPL between June and December. Is the NSPL reallocated every year after PLC is changed on June 1st?

Answer: The NSPL values are effective from January 1st to December 31st.  The PLC values are effective from June 1st to May 31st.  Like the PLC, the NSPL is unscaled.

DAT 00009 (revised 02/22/2021)
Published On: 03/14/2017

Question: Does the Non-Shop hourly load data include PIPP hourly load?

Answer: Yes.  The Non-Shop hourly load data currently includes PIPP.  AES Ohio is planning to separately identify PIPP hourly load after June 1, 2017 and such load data will be appropriately labeled.  

DAT 00010 (revised 02/22/2021)
Published On: 03/15/2017

Question: How many Unique Arrangement Customers are currently taking service as SSO customer? What are their sizes (MW) and when will their special contracts end?

Answer: Currently, there is one customer who has a unique arrangement contract with AES Ohio.  Their load is approximately 73 MW and their contract expires at the end of 2017.  Unique Arrangement customers have the ability to switch to competitive retail electric service at any time.

DAT 00011 (revised 02/22/2021)
Published On: 03/20/2017

Question: Is "2013_2017_PIPP" excel sheet in Load Data for AES Ohio only? I see "Total Ohio PIPP Load" in the sheet.

Answer: The data is AES Ohio's PIPP load only.

DAT 00012
Published On: 03/21/2017

Question: Can you please provide PLC’s for PIPP customers?

Answer: Historical PIPP PLCs are not available.  As of March 20, 2017, the 2017/18 PLC for PIPP customers: 72,073 kW.

DAT 00013
Published On: 03/21/2017

Question: Is UFE included in the PIPP hourly load data? If not, should we use residential load UFE’s for PIPP customers?

Answer: UFE is not included in the PIPP hourly load data.  Yes, the residential UFE factors should be used for PIPP load.

DAT 00014
Published On: 03/21/2017

Question: Can you please provide illustrative PLC's for all load classes for the 2017/2018 planning year as of today?

Answer: The following are estimates only.  As of March 20, 2017, the 2017/18 PLC by load class excluding PIPP (kW): 

DAT 00015 (revised 02/22/2021)
Published On: 03/21/2017

Question: Can you provide the historical hourly load for current UAC contract (Wright Patterson Air Force Base)? And are they included in commercial or residential non-shop load?

Answer: AES Ohio does not provide individual customer hourly data.  Wright Patterson Air Force Base load is included in commercial non-shop load.

DAT 00016
Published On: 03/31/2017

Question: The illustrative PLC of Jan 1, 2017 for non-shopping Res is 545,878 and it is said that this excludes PIPP customers. The given non-shopping Res PLC as of 2/28/2017 is 561,239 which is said to include PIPP. Given that PIPP is almost 15% of the default service Res load, can you please confirm that the illustrative PLC is correct?

Answer: The PLC's are correct.  Please note the scaling factors.  June 1, 2017 has a scaling factor of 1.0098, and February 28, 2017 has a scaling factor of 0.9719.

DAT 00017
Published On: 03/31/2017

Question: The PLC that we see for the industrial load class, non-shopping customers, in the data file provided is 27,199, as of Feb 28 2017. The illustrative PLC given for this load class as of March 20 2017 is 13,069 . Can you please confirm if the illustrative PLC's are correct? Why was there a 50% drop in PLC? Was there a major attrition in the industrial load from 2/28/2017 to 3/20/2017?

Answer: The PLC's are correct.  There was an industrial customer that opened an account on 2/10/17 and then switched to a Competitive Retail Electric Service (CRES) provider as of 3/31/2017.

DAT 00018
Published On: 04/14/2017

Question: Can you confirm that the PLC values in FAQ DAT 00015 exclude the PIPP PLC? The PLC from DAT 00012 of 72,073 kW combined with the Residential PLC from FAQ DAT 00015 of 545,878 kW equals 617,951 kW. This is approximately 10% higher than the PLC as of 2/28/17 provided in the "Capacity PLC & DZSF" tab of the historical data file of 561,239 kW. Since this value includes PIPP it seems odd that the PY 17/18 PLC values excluding PIPP would be 10% higher than the current planning year PLC values which include PIPP, for dates that are within a month of each other.

Answer: The PLC's are correct.  Please note the scaling factors.  June 1, 2017 has a scaling factor of 1.0098, and February 28, 2017 has a scaling factor of 0.9719.

DAT 00019 (revised 02/22/2021)
Published On: 05/08/2017

Question: Can you please provide updated illustrative PLCs for Residential, Commercial, Industrial and PIPP Customers? The last data was as of March 20th.

Answer: AES Ohio will provide updated load data through the end of April 2017.  This will be posted to the website before June 1st.

DAT 00020
Published On: 02/23/2018

Question: What's the difference between the hourly PIPP data in the "Historical Hourly Loads by Class 2017" and the same data in the "PIPP Load" file? For example, hour 24 of Sept 30, 2017 of the PIPP data in the "Historical Hourly Loads by Class 2017" = 22,952 kW and the same hour has a value = 25,208 kW in the "PIPP Load" file.

Answer: The 'PIPP Load' filed contains estimates based on monthly customer counts and usage.  The 'Historical Hourly Loads' file contains actual settlement data.  To avoid confusion, updated/corrected load data has been posted to the website which removes the hourly estimates from the 'PIPP Load' file beginning June 1, 2017.

DAT 00021
Published On: 02/23/2018

Question: Was there a customer reclassification on 1/1/2017? The load data you posted shows PLC for both shopping and non shopping commercial customers go down, while residential PLC increases on 1/1/2017. If it is not a reclassification, can you please explain the cause of the PLC change on 1/1/2017?

Answer: An error was discovered in the capacity data from 1/1/17 to 5/31/17.  Updated/Corrected load data has been posted on the website.

DAT 00022 (revised 02/22/2021)
Published On: 03/02/2018

Question: As a follow up question of DATA0004, will LSE be paid at auction clearing price * PJM settlement data called load without loss?

Answer: The LSE is paid the clearing price * all MWh delivered to the delivery point. The LSE is required to deliver to the delivery point sufficient supply to serve the slice of system load of AES Ohio’s Standard Service Offer load customers including distribution losses.

DAT 00023
Published On: 03/06/2018

Question: Can you please confirm? 1. PIPP data is carved out from Non-Shop load data starting from 6/1/2017. Non-Shop load data prior to 6/1/2017 published on the website still includes PIPP. 2. Eligible residential load data still includes PIPP.

Answer: 1.  Confirmed

2. Total hourly load includes PIPP data both before and after 6/1/2017. 

DAT 00024
Published On: 03/06/2018

Question: Can you please provide illustrative PLC's for all load classes for the 2018/2019 planning year as of today

Answer: The following are estimates only.  As of February 21, 2018, the 2018/19 PLC by load class (kW):

Non-Shopping   Shopping PIPP 
 191,514  29,791  526,341  775,566  596,956  612,845  60,898  2,793,911
 Daily Zonal Scaling Factor = 0.9813

DAT 00025 (revised 04/01/2024)
Published On: 03/08/2018

Question: As in years past, will Wright Patterson Air Force Base load continue to be included in the SSO?

Answer: Wright Patterson Air Force Base currently has the ability to choose the SSO or another competitive supplier.

DAT 00026
Published On: 03/08/2018

Question: As a follow up question to DAT 00024, does the PLC provided for each class ( 191514 for Com non-shopping class ) already include Daily Zonal Scaling Factor?

Answer: The PLC data is unscaled, but the Daily Zonal Scaling Factor is provided.

DAT 00027
Published On: 03/30/2018

Question: We observed that "2013_2017_PIPP.xlsx" shows 25934 PIPP customers in Jun 2017, but "2017_DPL_Load_Data_FINAL_upd02222018.xlsx" file shows the average customer for Jun 2017 is only 24381 in " Count_PIPP" sheet. Can we know why the two numbers are different? Is there anything we are missing?

Answer: The total in the ‘2013_2017_PIPP.xlsx’ file is the total number of PIPP customers that billed in June 2017.  This includes all accounts whether or not they were active at the beginning or end of June.  The total in the ‘2017_DPL_Load_Data_FINAL_upd02222018.xlsx’ file is the total number of PIPP customers in any given day in that month.  This number will be the net total as accounts are taken off and added to the PIPP program.

DAT 00028
Published On: 03/12/2019

Question: Before PIPP was separated out on June 1, 2017, was PIPP load (and PLC, etc) part of the Residential Non-shopping data?

Answer: PIPP was included as non-shopping load prior to June 1, 2017. 

DAT 00029
Published On: 02/18/2020

Question: Can you please check the NSPL values for 2018 and 2019? The values for both years are the same - 2,766.9 MW. This seems odd since the zone increased from 3,225 MW in 2018 to 3,337 MW in 2019. Additionally, can you please provide us with the NSPL values for 2020?

Answer: The 2019 NSPL Value is 2,831,500, corrected data will be posted to the information website.  The 2020 NSPL value is 2,770,300.

DAT 00030
Published On: 02/25/2020

Question: How many Unique Arrangement Customers are currently taking service as SSO customer? What are their average load sizes (MW) and when will their unique arrangement contracts expire? Do those customers have the ability to switch to competitive retail supply during the term of their unique arrangement contract, and if so, what limitations do they have on doing so?

Answer: There is one (1) unique arrangement SSO customer with an average load of 63 MW.  The customer can choose alternative suppliers without restrictions.

DAT 00031 (revised 04/27/2023)
Published On: 02/25/2020

Question: Can you provide estimated PLC values for all customer classes for PY 20/21 as of today as well as the Daily Zonal Scaling Factor?

Answer: AES Ohio

Daily Zonal Scaling Factor
1/1 to 5/31: 2,699,600
NonShopping Shopping PIPP 6/1 to 12/31: 2,619,300
6/1/2020 189,316 23,049 569,679 718,418 530,897 581,679 52,643 2,665,681 0.9826

DAT 00032
Published On: 03/04/2020

Question: Can you please provide the NSPL values and Daily Zonal Scaling Factor on 1/1/2020?


NonShopping Shopping PIPP Daily Zonal Scaling Factor
1/1/2020 219,984 25,032 546,089 840,765 565,143 566,888 50,660 2,814,562 0.9843

DAT 00033
Published On: 03/07/2020

Question: Just as a follow up question to DAT 00031, could you provide us with the date the non-shopping and shopping values are based on? We want to line up the data with PY 19/20 PLCs and the corresponding migration level.

Answer: February 24th, 2020.

DAT 00034
Published On: 11/02/2022

Question: I am looking to get more information on the Peak Load Contribution methodology used by AES OH. Specifically, I am hoping to get clarification on whether a 1CP or 5CP is used to calculate customer contribution.

Answer: Information regarding the Peak Load Contribution methodology can be found at the following link: Capacity and Transmission - AES Ohio Supplier Site (

FAQs Disclaimer

The information provided in the Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”) section of the Site has been prepared by AES Ohio and its advisors for the purposes of facilitating the CBP. The information presented and distributed here is subject to update, modification and/or amendment. The information is current as of the posting date. The material presented and distributed here is for informational purposes only and is made available with the understanding that any individual accessing it will use it for the sole purpose of participating in the aforementioned CBP. The information is not intended to form any part of the basis of any investment decision, valuation, or any bid that may be submitted during the CBP. This information should not be relied upon, and each recipient should make its own independent assessment of the subject opportunity after making all investigations it deems necessary.

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